Costa Rica

This iguana was resting on a tree branch above the waters of a back channel in the Tortuguero National Park on the Caribbean Coast lowlands/ Rain Forest that is more famous for its green sea turtle nesting in June to October. Picture was taken from a small boat 03/10/08 with an EF 100-400 F/4.5-5.6 IS USM lens on a Canon EOS 5D body with tripod.
A part of the Iguana family, the Jesus Christ lizard is known so, because of a special ability it has. Upon, seeing danger, the lizard can run on the surface of water at a break neck speed. Also, known as the basilisk, the lizard comes with well equipped with webbed hind legs. While, their tread upon water surfaces is more of an appearance, it does not usually last for more than 10-20 meters in a stretch
Photo taken in the Irazú Volcano National Park situated in the Cordillera Central close to the city of Cartago.
Little Blue Heron/Garceta Azul adult bird is 61cm or 2 feet tall. Tortuguerro Nat'l Park, Caribbean coast lowlands/Rain Forrest backwater channel. Picture was taken from a small boat 03/10/08 with an EF100-400 F/4.5-5.6 IS USM lens on a Canon EOS 5D body with a tripod.
Masked Tree Frogs (Smilisca phaeota ) inhabit Humid Lowland Forests throughout the Pacific and Caribbean regions of Costa Rica. Photo taken 04/14/2008 Manuel Antonio National Park, on Costa Rica’s central Pacific coast, encompasses rugged rainforest, white-sand beaches and coral reefs.
The blue-gray tanager (Thraupis episcopus) is a medium-sized South American songbird of the tanager family, Thraupidae. Its range is from Mexico south to northeast Bolivia and northern Brazil, all of the Amazon Basin, except the very south. Tortuguerro Nat'l Park, Caribbean coast lowlands/Rain Forrest backwater channel Costa Rica. Picture was taken from a small boat 03/14/08 with an EF100-400 F/4.5-5.6 IS USM lens on a Canon EOS 5D body with a tripod.
This is one of several craters of the larger Irazú Volcano that is active in Costa Rica within the Irazú Volcano National Park situated in the Cordillera Central close to the city of Cartago. In Costa Rica the Irazú Volcano is known by the name of "El Coloso" (The Colossus) due to the catastrophes that it has provoked in the past.
Photo taken in the the Irazú Volcano National Park situated in the Cordillera Central close to the city of Cartago.
Mantises are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats. They have triangular heads with bulging eyes supported on flexible necks. Their elongated bodies may or may not have wings, but all Mantodea have forelegs that are greatly enlarged and adapted for catching and gripping prey; their upright posture, while remaining stationary with forearms folded, has led to the common name praying mantis. Photo taken in the Braulio Carrillo Park outside the capital city , San Jose, Costa Rica.
Photo taken in the Braulio Carrillo Park outside the capital city , San Jose, Costa Rica.
Photo taken in the Irazú Volcano National Park situated in the Cordillera Central close to the city of Cartago.
These bananas are being washed for export at a Banana Farm near the Tortuguerro Nat'l Park, Caribbean coast lowlands/Rain Forrest Costa Rica.